
Music Studio of Megan Kelley



Using My Music Staff

You will receive an email from the portal asking you to log into www.megankelley.mymusicstaff.com. It will help you create a password. Once you are at the home page, you can see icons in blue on the left side. You can see your attendance, any bulletins or notes I send, my contact info, check emails sent out, see your repertoire info, etc. 

We will be using this mainly for calendar updates, so if you need to do a reschedule, click on the calendar icon. The student’s name will appear with a green check next to it. To cancel a lesson, click on that, and click “cancel” to unregister (the check should turn red.) To register for a makeup lesson, find any open slot that you see, and click “register.” the student’s name will appear in that new time slot with a green check. 

The lesson slots are typically in 30 minute increments. Sometimes they are in 45 minute increments. If you take a longer lesson, please look for two 30 minute lessons back to back, and register for both. I can modify and merge anything on the admin side, and will be monitoring the calendar. 

You can cancel and register at anytime, but 24 hours or more is the notice you will need to give for cancelations if you would like a makeup lesson. You can register for a new lesson up to a few hours before it. 

The website notifies me in real time on all changes, so you don’t have to email or text me unless there is an issue with the site or you can’t log in. 

You can sync My Music Staff to your digital calendar seamlessly with one click. You cannot not make lesson changes from your personal digital calendar, only natively from My Music Staff under your log-in.